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Welcome to MAPHN  

Massachusetts Association of Public Health Nurses         

"Making a difference in the communities we serve ensuring conditions in which all residents can achieve optimal health and well-being." 

The Mission of MAPHN

The Massachusetts Association of Public Health Nurses seeks to strengthen the leadership role of the public health nurses  within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. As the official state organization for public health nurses, the association:

Provides a common voice on issues of public health nursing.
Maintains regional chapters.
Provides educational programs.
Advocates for Public Health Nursing.
Enhances the health of Massachusetts residents




With its unique geographic configuration of 351 individual cities and towns, Massachusetts has historically lacked a formal unified voice around issues of public health nursing. At various times over past years, separate municipal public health nursing groups formed to provide an opportunity for nurses to network. As the membership increased among the individual groups and similar issues/concerns emerged, it became apparent that a statewide organization for public health nurses was imperative.

In 1996 members of the existing regional public health nursing groups began to meet to establish the mission, develop goals and objectives as well as pass bylaws that would guide the Massachusetts Association of Public Health Nurses. The MAPHN was officially incorporated in October of 1998 and received its 501(c)(3) nonprofit status.

Since its inception, membership has grown to include nurses from across the state of Massachusetts and even extending to other New England states. In addition, MAPHN has opened its membership to include associate members who are non-nursing professionals. Health agents, health directors, and board members are a sample of associate MAPHN members who join and support our ranks. Through our combined efforts, the expanded role of the public health nurse has been supported and strengthened; enabling us to provide enhanced professional services and leadership for all citizens of the Commonwealth.

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